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  • What is an infrared camera? Benefits and mechanism of action?
May. 11, 2024

What is an infrared camera? Benefits and mechanism of action?

Thanks to the outstanding development of security camera technology, today, we have many solutions to protect living and working spaces. Among them is the infrared camera – an effective monitoring solution in low light or night conditions. So what is an infrared camera? What benefits does this monitoring device provide and how does it work? Let’s find out more details with SECOM Vietnam in the article below.

Learn about infrared cameras?

Currently, infrared surveillance camera systems are widely used in many countries around the world, but there are still many users who do not know specifically what an infrared camera is? Infrared camera, also known as IR Camera (Infrared Camera), is a type of surveillance camera that is integrated with infrared lights (infrared LED) and controlled by light sensors. Thanks to this infrared light, the camera is capable of recording images even in poor light conditions, helping to improve observation performance and protect security.

What are the benefits of using infrared cameras?

Infrared cameras not only mark a great step forward in smart security surveillance camera systems but also bring many significant benefits to users. After understanding the concept of what an infrared camera is, understanding the functions of this type of camera will help you apply it effectively. Here are some benefits that this infrared camera device brings:

The camera can be observed at night or in poor lighting conditions

Thanks to being equipped with infrared lights, when it is dark or there is no light, the camera automatically switches to infrared mode and creates light that cannot be seen by the human eye. This helps the camera retain the ability to observe and record images continuously and accurately, ensuring the monitoring process is not interrupted and does not miss any moments.

Effective anti-theft infrared camera

Infrared cameras are not only effective surveillance tools but are also highly appreciated for their outstanding anti-theft effectiveness. With infrared camera lines integrated with anti-theft features combined with motion detection and the ability to record detailed images in all conditions, this device helps identify and detect suspicious activities. suspicious, thereby preventing illegal intrusions. Therefore, using this device for a factory surveillance camera system will help you detect threatening actions early and protect your assets.

Infrared night vision camera with long range vision

In addition to night vision capabilities as mentioned in the concept of what an infrared camera is, infrared camera devices also have far vision and wide viewing angles to help users monitor effectively. Depending on the type of camera and the number of infrared LEDs equipped, the camera’s range of vision can reach from 30 to 50m and some high-end models can observe up to 80m. Thanks to the ability to expand the viewing range of the infrared smart camera system, users can cover the entire area that needs to be monitored, without missing any details and improving security protection.

Simple installation system

Installing an infrared surveillance camera system is extremely simple and convenient. Because there is no need to equip power cables, storage receivers or complicated domain settings, you only need to use the camera’s own system application to be able to control and use it easily. This helps users save time and effort during the process of installing and using the security monitoring system.

Convenient and cost-effective

Compared to other camera lines on the market, installing an infrared camera system is more affordable. Thanks to that, it helps users save a lot of initial investment costs while still ensuring quality and observation performance. In addition, it also helps increase convenience for users in all fields of use because all necessary utilities are integrated in the same device.

Application of infrared camera system

What is the application of infrared cameras is also a factor that many users are interested in. Proper application will help the infrared surveillance camera system maximize its functionality. In fact, this device is used mainly in the research and military fields. However, thanks to its practicality, infrared cameras are increasingly used more commonly and widely in many different fields. Specifically:

  • Military: Infrared cameras are used to detect attacks or to track targets.
  • Security monitoring: This is the most popular application of infrared cameras, installed in homes, offices, industrial parks, warehouses,… to help protect security and prevent theft effectively.
  • Search and rescue: Cameras use infrared rays to help search for missing people and people in distress at night, at sea or in the forest.
  • Law enforcement, anti-terrorism: Equipment is used to support monitoring of illegal activities that often take place at night such as robberies, smuggling, illegal resource exploitation,… to help support the force functions of arresting criminals and preventing acts of terrorism.
  • Fire prevention: Infrared camera equipment helps detect early signs of fire to promptly handle and locate the fire in smoky conditions, helping to extinguish the fire quickly and more effectively.
  • Medicine: Infrared cameras are used to take thermal images of human and animal bodies, thereby helping to diagnose diseases more accurately.

In addition, infrared camera installation is also used in the aviation industry (helps detect passengers with strange diseases that can spread), inspecting construction works (detecting water pipe leaks), and managing environment, investigation of unusual incidents,…

Structure and operating principle of the infrared camera system

The structure of the infrared camera system includes three main parts:

  • Main: Includes circuit board and signal processing chip, responsible for processing data from sensors and controlling system operations.
  • Infrared light: Used to emit infrared waves that shine on objects, creating a light source that is invisible to the human eye.
  • Infrared sensor: Collects infrared waves reflected from objects.

In addition, the system also has a photoresistor, a component that has the function of controlling the power supply/deactivation circuit for the infrared light depending on the ambient light conditions.

After understanding clearly what components make up a device, next we will continue to explore the operating principle of an infrared camera. Infrared cameras operate according to the following basic principles:

When there is no light shining in, the photoresistor changes resistance, causing the infrared LED bulbs to be activated and emit infrared rays. Infrared rays will shine on the object and reflect back, then be recorded by the infrared sensor to create an observation image.

Types of infrared surveillance camera systems

After understanding the basic operating principle of infrared cameras, let’s learn about how to classify types of infrared cameras as well as the unique features of the product. Currently, infrared surveillance cameras are classified as follows:


IR LED is a type of infrared LED that appears commonly in common cameras today. They are often equipped with many LED bulbs and are capable of night vision at a distance of 15 to 20m. Besides, this type of camera has a low price, suitable for simple monitoring needs and meets basic observation requirements.


IR ARRAY LED is a type of infrared LED with a long lifespan of about 50,000 hours and a much stronger operating capacity than conventional IR LEDs. This type of infrared camera has the ability to observe in low light conditions from 30 – 60m and can observe wide angles. However, distance vision and wide-angle viewing ability will also depend on the number of light bulbs equipped in the camera.


As a type of infrared LED using laser technology, IR LASER LED helps expand viewing angle at night and increase visibility from 30 to 80m. The outstanding feature of this type of camera is the ability to improve light display performance in low light or night conditions. In addition, in infrared mode, the device does not cause the light beam to focus on a certain point but distributes light evenly over the observation area, helping to improve the quality of recorded images.

Things to note when choosing to install an infrared camera system

Installing infrared cameras brings many benefits to homes and businesses, but to have a camera system that operates effectively and optimally, in addition to paying attention to the operating principle of infrared cameras, you need to Note some of the following factors:

Installation location

Installation location is the first criterion when buying a night infrared camera that you need to consider to install in your factory, home or business. You need to check whether the installation area is small or large to choose the appropriate size. Or the mounting location is indoors or outdoors to choose a home surveillance camera suitable for that space. For example, for small areas like bedrooms, a simple infrared camera can do the trick. For larger areas, especially remote viewing, you may need a larger number of infrared LEDs.

Select camera resolution

Choosing the camera resolution is very important because it directly affects the sharpness of the observed image. If you need to observe small details clearly, such as seeing license plates from afar, you should choose a high-resolution infrared surveillance camera to ensure the sharpest recorded images.

The ability to endure under the impact of the environment

A final important factor to consider when choosing a surveillance camera is weather and environmental resistance. The type of camera you choose needs to be waterproof, dustproof, impact resistant, etc. This helps increase the lifespan of the camera and ensure observation performance in all environmental conditions.

SECOM – Consulting and installation of reputable surveillance camera systems

SECOM is one of the leading units in the field of consulting and installing surveillance camera systems for businesses. Developed from the foundation of the parent company in Japan, SECOM Vietnam is proud to be a trusted partner of many customers in providing comprehensive security solutions. After more than half a century of operation in the security field, SECOM owns a team of experienced experts with deep understanding of surveillance camera solutions to meet all customer needs.

Furthermore, we also provide and in-depth consultation on surveillance camera solutions suitable for all customers’ needs and budgets. From video surveillance camera systems, anti-theft alarms to risk management, we are committed to always bringing the most comprehensive security solutions to our customers. If you are looking for high quality surveillance camera solutions, contact SECOM Vietnam today for free consultation and the fastest support.

Above is a summary of the most detailed information about infrared camera monitoring equipment, hopefully helping you answer the question “What is an infrared camera?”. It can be seen that the infrared camera surveillance system is the optimal security solution to help enhance the safety and security of the installed space. Please accompany SECOM today if you need more detailed advice on comprehensive security solutions.

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