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  • What is an alarm system? How does it work?
May. 29, 2024

What is an alarm system? How does it work?

Nowadays, social security issues are becoming increasingly complex, many individuals and organizations have begun to focus on protecting property as well as life safety for their families and businesses. Among them, the warning system is a reliable security solution chosen by many people. So what exactly is an alarm system and how does this system work? Let’s find out the detailed answer with SECOM right below.

What is an alarm system? How many types are there?

An alarm system is a support device, installed in many locations such as homes, offices, companies, etc. The parts in this system connect to each other and transmit signals to the processor. center. When detecting unusual signs such as strangers appearing, temperature rising or smoke escaping,… the siren will sound or notify the user depending on the device used.

Currently, on the market there are two commonly used types of smart alarm systems: anti-theft alarm systems and fire alarm systems installed in offices, companies, agencies, apartments, etc. hotels,… In addition, there are many other types of alarm devices installed in factories and plants, depending on the user’s needs.

What is the structure of the alarm system?

To better understand how the alarm system works, let’s first learn about the detailed structure of this system. Currently, the warning and alarm system consists of three main parts: central processing unit, sensor part and execution part. Each part will take on a separate role and function, forming a closed circulatory system. Specifically:

Central processor

The central processor plays an extremely important role in the warning and alarm system, and is considered a smart “brain” that controls all activities. This part is responsible for receiving information and signals from sensor devices, then transmitting them to users through support devices or execution parts.

Sensor part

This is the part that records changes from the environment according to previously programmed settings. This part contains an open and close switch, so when any change occurs, a signal is sent to the central processor. The sensor also has an emergency button that allows the user to activate an alarm in case of emergency or danger. Finally, there are a number of other types of sensors selected depending on the user’s needs and desires.

Enforcement department

This is the part of the alarm system that notifies the user via siren, alarm bell or mobile phone if previously connected. This execution unit receives control signals directly from the central processor and can be turned off, on or increased in intensity via remote control, providing flexibility.

What types of sensors does the alarm system have?

Alarm systems are equipped with various types of sensors to detect hazards and intruders. Here are some common types of alarm sensors:

  • Door and window alarm sensors: This type of sensor is often attached to doors or windows and activates an alarm when the door is not closed.
  • Broken glass alarm sensor: Detects the sound of broken glass when there is an impact, such as an intruder or an object hitting the glass.
  • Motion sensor: When there is an intruder that other sensors have not detected, the motion sensor will detect movement inside or outside the house and trigger an alarm when there is movement.

In addition, the alarm system can also be equipped with other types of sensors to detect dangerous environmental threats such as:

  • CO (carbon monoxide) sensor: Detects toxic CO gas produced from combustion devices such as gas stoves,… and activates a warning for everyone to evacuate immediately.
  • Temperature sensor: Can detect sudden temperature changes, predicting incidents such as fire.
  • Smoke detector: Combined with alarm sensor, smoke detection for early warning of fire risk.

Operating principle of the alarm system

The alarm system works by sending signals to a central monitoring station when sensors detect unusual activities. The heart of the system is the alarm control panel, so all sensors will “communicate” through this panel.

When an alarm occurs, the system will send a warning to the central monitoring station, emitting a warning sound through the alarm speaker as well as an alarm light. Then, the system will send a notification to the user’s phone, helping them quickly take timely measures.

In addition, modern alarm enforcement devices also have the ability to spray smoke and anesthetic gas to prevent illegal intruders, increasing user safety.

Some benefits of installing an alarm system

Warning systems are becoming increasingly popular and trusted by many people, especially in areas with dense population and complex security. Installing an alarm system brings many practical benefits to users, contributing to protecting the security of families and businesses. Here are some benefits of using a smart alert system:

  • Warn people when there are incidents such as fire, toxic smoke or other emergency situations in life.
  • An effective theft prevention solution, helping users proactively prevent theft and minimize damage to the lowest possible level when thieves or strangers break into personal belongings.
  • Timely detect incidents such as short circuits, explosions or fires that may occur unexpectedly.
  • Anti-theft warning and alarm systems help homeowners feel secure when not at home or on business trips, protecting property and family safety.
  • The system has the function of automatically calling the police, ambulance or fire department if pre-programmed to assist in emergency situations.

Things to keep in mind when installing an alarm system

Installing an alarm system is an effective solution to protect the security of homes and businesses. However, to ensure the system operates effectively and brings optimal benefits, you need to keep in mind some important factors:

  • Cost: Before deciding to install a system, you need to consider your budget and choose a suitable system. A custom security system will allow you to choose the necessary features and eliminate irrelevant features to save costs.
  • Power source: Always ensure that the warning and alarm system can operate even when there is a power outage. Most modern devices use batteries and WiFi connections, so users can choose to use solar energy to ensure stability and continuity for the system.
  • Easy installation: Choosing a wireless alarm system will make installation simpler. If you have the knowledge, you can choose a system that integrates modern technology and install it yourself to save time and costs.

SECOM – Address for installing reputable and professional alarm systems

On the market today, there are many units providing and consulting on installing alarm systems for customers in need. One of the most reputable addresses that is highly appreciated and trusted by many people today is SECOM.

SECOM is a company specializing in providing leading security solutions from Japan with 60 years of experience. We are committed to installing alarm systems of the best quality, imported directly and tested by experts. quality before installation. At the same time, SECOM continuously updates the latest technology to meet all customer requirements. In addition, SECOM’s 24-hour online monitoring control center is always ready to support you when any problem occurs.

Reasonable and affordable price

One of the reasons why SECOM is trusted and chosen by many customers is price. Whether it is a security alarm system installation service or any other company service such as surveillance camera system installation, vehicle access control system installation, security service,… SECOM all Providing competitive service prices suitable to the financial needs of diverse customers. Because we import all equipment directly from the manufacturer, without going through intermediaries, helping to significantly optimize costs.

Enthusiastic and professional staff

SECOM owns a team of professional, dedicated staff, always ready to support customers anytime, anywhere. Consultants are well-trained in product knowledge, support services, and answer customer questions quickly and in-depth. Along with that, a team of experienced and specialized technicians helps the construction and installation process of the system quickly and safely.

Hopefully the information shared above has helped you better understand the operating principles of anti-theft alarm systems. If you need to use the service of installing warning systems and security alarms, please contact SECOM today for advice on the optimal solution with the most reasonable cost.

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