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  • Installing a Full Professional Factory Camera System
May. 13, 2024

Installing a Full Professional Factory Camera System

With the strong growth of the industry, the need to expand factories is increasing. Along with expanding scale, ensuring security and effective warehouse management is a difficult problem that many businesses are facing. Therefore, installing factory cameras is the optimal solution to help businesses monitor and manage effectively. So which type of camera to install in the factory and the process to choose, let’s find out with SECOM Vietnam in the article below.

Why is it necessary to install a camera system for the factory?

Installing a camera system for the factory not only meets the needs of security monitoring, employee and goods management, but also brings many other practical benefits to businesses such as:

Enhance security and property protection for factories

Factory camera solutions are one of the optimal ways to enhance the protection of security and assets of the business. The camera system helps manage and track the number of people and goods entering and leaving the factory, and monitor all activities on the production line, production supplies and machinery equipment. In this way, businesses can prevent fraudulent acts, ensure the safety of business establishments, and at the same time, limit theft and ensure security in the factory.

Monitoring and management is easier and more convenient

Thanks to factory surveillance cameras, business owners can monitor factory activities from anywhere and at any time via mobile devices or personal computers with 3G or internet connection. At the same time, IP camera solutions for factories also help businesses monitor factories in many different locations at the same time, thereby being able to promptly deal with unexpected situations.

Factory surveillance cameras help increase productivity and labor efficiency

In addition to the benefits of security and asset protection, the factory camera system also makes an important contribution to improving productivity and labor efficiency. Data collected from cameras can be analyzed and weaknesses in the production process can be detected, thereby providing solutions to improve efficiency. At the same time, it helps raise employees’ awareness and responsibility to work more effectively and comply with the company’s rules and regulations.

Help save a lot of time and costs with surveillance camera systems

Instead of having to hire workers to monitor and supervise activities in the factory, the surveillance camera system can do this job automatically and continuously 24/7. This not only reduces the burden of labor costs but also increases efficiency in management and supervision.

At the same time, through recording and storing images and data from cameras, it also brings great value in analyzing and optimizing the production and operation process of the factory. Therefore, investing in a factory camera system is a smart investment, helping businesses save costs and optimize operational performance.

The factory surveillance camera system also helps prevent risks from arising

Currently, some smart factory security camera systems are equipped with warning and alarm features to help promptly detect potential risks such as fire, explosion, electric shock, theft, illegal intrusion, etc. .. Thanks to that, negative risks are minimized and help businesses control unexpected situations, which also contributes to enhancing security and protecting business assets more effectively.

What does the factory camera system include?

Installing a factory camera system is a smart investment to help businesses increase security, protect assets and manage more effectively. However, to have an optimal camera system, you need to prepare the following equipment:

  • Camera eye
  • Video recorder + memory
  • Signal wire from camera to camera recorder (DVR/NVR)
  • Power supply for camera

These are the basic equipment that constitute a full surveillance camera system for the factory. In addition, to expand features and remote viewing capabilities via phone, computer or laptop, you need to connect the camera system to the internet via an internet Modem.

Which type of factory camera should I choose to install?

With the variety of camera types on the market today, choosing the right camera for the factory is a problem that makes many businesses encounter difficulties. Currently, there are two main types on the market: wireless wifi cameras and wired surveillance cameras (receiver cameras), each type has its own advantages and disadvantages:

Wireless wifi camera

Wireless wifi cameras are a suitable choice for installation in small factory spaces. This device operates independently and depends mainly on Wifi network connection, fully meeting the daily monitoring requirements of businesses. However, if the factory has a large area or needs detailed monitoring, a wired camera will be the best choice.

Wired surveillance camera (receiver camera)

Wired surveillance cameras or receiver cameras are considered the most optimal factory camera solutions for large areas because of many outstanding advantages. This type of camera has a strong data connection, stable signal transmission, and sharp image quality. This is a professional solution, reasonably priced and suitable for monitoring large areas such as factories, warehouses, factories or large-scale businesses.

Quotation for camera installation for SECOM’s factory package

If you are in need of using a factory-installed camera and are wondering how much the installation cost is, the SECOM team of experts is pleased to assist you. However, the price for installing factory surveillance cameras is not fixed but will be based on the factory design drawings.

After having the drawings, SECOM staff will conduct an actual survey to grasp the needs and give the most accurate factory camera quote. Please contact us for the most detailed advice and support for your business’s factory surveillance camera system.

Locations that need to install camera systems for factories

Installing cameras in the factory is not simply a matter of mounting cameras in random locations, but it is necessary to identify important locations to monitor all activities in the warehouse. Depending on the specific characteristics of each project, businesses need to arrange appropriate camera positions. Below are some locations where factory surveillance cameras should be installed:

Entrance gate

This is a place with a heavy flow of people and goods imported and exported, and if security is not guaranteed, thieves can take advantage of loopholes to enter the factory, causing great damage to the production process. enterprise’s production and business. Therefore, to ensure security, business owners need to equip at least one or two cameras to monitor this entire area to control access.


Offices often contain many important documents and information that need to be protected, so installing cameras helps prevent illegal intrusion and information theft. Furthermore, installing cameras in the office helps monitor employees’ work progress effectively. In particular, to increase monitoring performance, business owners should use factory cameras with recording capabilities to manage and capture the quality of their employees’ work.

Area for machinery

This is where many important equipment is concentrated, directly affecting the efficiency of the factory’s production process. Installing three to four cameras in this location will help management monitor the entire process. At the same time, if a machine has a problem, the business owner can handle it promptly to avoid affecting factory operations.

Space for goods

The cargo area is where many important assets of the business are concentrated, so it needs to be tightly protected and controlled. To have good control over goods management, installing warehouse cameras with high resolution and infrared features is necessary. This helps managers observe goods both day and night, ensuring security and preventing theft and loss of goods during warehouse management.


Parking areas are potential targets for theft, so installing cameras here is very important. Cameras help the security department monitor and protect the factory’s security from vehicle loss and other incidents. Furthermore, cameras also provide specific visual and audio evidence to resolve related disputes and conflicts.

Which type of camera should I choose to install in the factory?

In addition to monitoring needs and investment budget, choosing the right type of camera for the factory also depends on the area factor. Below are some suggestions for choosing factory cameras based on area:

The factory has an area of about 150m2 to 300m2

With a factory area from 150m2 to 300m2, you need to install at least 4-6 cameras to ensure monitoring of all activities in the warehouse. Cameras should be placed in strategic locations such as entrance gates, important cargo storage locations, and moving areas.

You can use HD analog cameras to save costs while still ensuring image quality. In addition, for this area, you can use coaxial cable to transmit the camera signal optimally.

The factory has an area of about 300m2 to 800m2

For a factory with storage capabilities like this, we should use IP cameras and network cables because it has flexible operation and is easy to install. Note that you should choose a factory camera with a resolution of 2MP or higher to ensure image quality and consider the length of the network cable, because the signal may be degraded if the cable is too long. In addition, you can install at least 6-10 cameras to ensure monitoring of all activities in the warehouse.

The factory has an area of about 800m2 or more

Using fiber optic cables for factories with an area of about 800m2 or more will make the signal transmission more stable and capable of lasting up to several dozen kilometers. With a factory area like this, you need to install at least 10-20 cameras to ensure monitoring of all activities in the warehouse. Additionally, you need to carry out your camera installation in a considered and strategic manner to ensure comprehensive and effective surveillance.

Diagram of camera system model for factory

Unlike small camera systems for homes, installing a separate camera system for a factory requires higher technical requirements and costs. Furthermore, factories often have large areas, so the cameras used must have high resolution, far-infrared vision, large camera opening angles and the ability to withstand harsh environments.

Depending on the area of the factory, you can choose between Analog Camera or IP Camera systems. For small and medium areas, Analog camera systems with coaxial cables can ensure image quality. As for factories with large areas, the IP Camera system will be the most optimal choice, because this type of camera not only possesses high flexibility but also has extremely wide observation capabilities.

The following is a diagram of how to install cameras in the factory that you can refer to:

Some important notes when installing a camera system diagram for the factory

Installing a factory camera system is an important investment that helps improve security, effective management and optimization of production activities. However, for the camera system to operate effectively and durably, you need to keep in mind a few important things during the process of choosing a product and choosing a construction unit:

Locations where cameras need to be installed in the factory

Choosing the appropriate factory security camera installation location plays an important role in ensuring comprehensive monitoring effectiveness. In the factory, important locations that need to install cameras include security gates to control access, office areas, parking areas and parking lots, production areas or conveyor belts and other locations. around the outside of the workshop or factory. This ensures comprehensive and effective monitoring of the camera system in protecting and managing factory operations.

Camera resolution

Camera resolution is one of the important factors that determine image clarity and quality. Therefore, you need to choose the appropriate resolution for an effective surveillance camera system for the factory. To ensure image quality, you should choose a camera with a resolution of 2.0 Megapixel or higher, which will help you in monitoring and protecting factory security.

Select camera type

When installing a camera system diagram for a factory, there are two main cameras commonly used: indoor cameras and outdoor cameras. Indoor cameras are often used in offices or spaces inside factories, but for outdoor areas or outside factories, outdoor cameras will be suitable for monitoring.

Far infrared range

Infrared range is an important feature that helps the camera see clearly in low light or at night. Choosing the right infrared range will ensure effective monitoring for your factory. At the same time, choosing the right infrared range for the monitoring area will be based on the size and structure of the factory to ensure effective and cost-effective observation.

Camera technology

Currently, there are two main types of camera technology used in factories: Analog cameras and IP cameras. Among them, IP cameras are often more popular because of their stable image quality and no quality loss when transmitting signals over long distances. However, depending on your needs and budget, you should consider choosing the appropriate camera technology.

Choose brand

When choosing to buy a camera, choosing a reputable brand is very important because the manufacturer will confirm the quality of the camera and product warranty and maintenance. You can choose for your business one of the reputable camera brands in the Vietnamese market such as: Hikvision, Boss, Axis, Dahua,…

Select storage time and storage device

Storage time is a factor to consider every time you choose a storage device for your factory camera system. Based on your monitoring needs and number of cameras, you can estimate the required storage capacity. Then, choose a storage hard drive with appropriate capacity to ensure there is enough storage space for all data from the cameras for the desired time.

Camera signal cable

Signal cables play an important role in transmitting image data from the camera to the recorder. Unlike solutions for installing home cameras, most factories use 3-phase power. Therefore, if you use poor quality wires, it will lead to interference, affecting the camera’s image quality such as ripples, flickering,…

Camera protection tube inside and outside the factory

Installing cameras for the factory is not only about choosing cameras and video recorders, but also about protecting the cameras, especially outside the factory. The outdoor environment is often influenced by environmental factors such as rain, wind, dust, temperature changes, sunlight, etc., which obstruct vision and affect camera operation. Therefore, installing protective tubes is an indispensable part to ensure the camera operates stably and effectively in all environmental conditions.

Why should you install factory cameras at SECOM?

If customers are still wondering and don’t know which company to choose to install their factory cameras, SECOM is the unit you definitely should not ignore. With many years of experience in providing security solutions, SECOM is proud to be a trusted partner of more than 3 million customers and businesses.

We are committed to bringing quality products and attractive incentives when you choose services at SECOM. Below are the reasons you should use factory monitoring system services at SECOM:

Design optimal camera system

SECOM owns a team of experienced and highly specialized technicians to help customers design optimal factory camera installation solutions. For example, office areas need high-resolution cameras to recognize faces, and warehouse areas need cameras with long-range vision to monitor the entire area.

Furthermore, our team of technicians always updates the latest technology to design camera systems suitable for each area of your factory. In addition, the optimally designed camera system will help customers effectively monitor all activities in the factory, ensuring security and safety for people and property.

Extremely competitive prices and many incentives

SECOM is committed to ensuring prices are always competitive with the market and providing many special incentives to customers. Furthermore, we optimize costs and establish preferential policies to provide warehouse and factory monitoring services at extremely reasonable prices. This helps customers save costs and get the best value from their investment.

Commitment to 100% genuine equipment components

When you decide to use SECOM’s services, you are committed to using 100% genuine equipment components. We absolutely never use fake or poor quality products. All products are thoroughly inspected before being delivered to customers, ensuring they fully meet high quality standards.

Quality equipment maintenance service

We are committed to providing regular maintenance and quick repair services to ensure your factory camera system always operates stably. If you want to expand or upgrade your existing system, we will assist you in customizing and upgrading according to your specific needs.

Dedicated customer service

Thanks to a team of well-trained and specialized consultants, SECOM company is committed to providing dedicated and thoughtful customer service for each factory camera installation project. We always put customers first, so we always listen, understand each customer’s needs and provide the most suitable solution for each project.

Long-term warranty

In addition to dedicated customer care service, SECOM also provides a long-term warranty and quality after-sales service for customers. We warranty all camera components and recorders after installation, ensuring peace of mind for customers. If there is a technical problem, our team of professional technicians will quickly arrive and repair or replace components for free, ensuring that all problems are resolved quickly and effectively.

Quick and professional installation

To ensure that the camera system installation process takes place accurately and effectively, each technical staff at SECOM is strictly trained and highly qualified. With a team of experienced technicians, SECOM company is committed to installing factory cameras quickly and professionally. In addition, we use advanced technology and quality equipment to ensure installation is carried out quickly and fully meets customer needs.

Diversity of product designs

SECOM is proud to be a provider of camera installation services with diverse product designs to meet all customer needs and requirements. From indoor and outdoor surveillance cameras, to IP cameras, Analog cameras and many other types, to suit all customer requirements. At the same time, the products used by SECOM always meet high standards of quality and performance, providing customers with the most secure and effective camera system.

Camera system installation process for factories at SECOM

SECOM provides professional, reputable factory camera system installation services with clear processes, ensuring quality and efficiency for customers. Below are the steps in the factory camera installation process at SECOM:

  • Step 1: Survey and consultation: SECOM technical staff will come to your location to survey and advise on suitable solutions for customers.
  • Step 2: Quotation: After the customer agrees with the proposed plan, the technical staff will discuss with the customer care department and send a detailed quotation.
  • Step 3: Installation: Technical staff will schedule an appointment with the customer and install the camera at the factory.
  • Step 4: Completion and handover: After completing installation, staff will check and adjust the system according to customer requirements. After that, we will guide customers on detailed usage and handover of the system.
  • Step 5: Instructions for use and payment: Staff will provide detailed instructions on how to use the camera system and hand over to customers. Finally, the customer will pay after the installation process is completed.

In short, installing factory cameras is an essential solution to help protect security, effectively manage and improve operational performance. Please contact SECOM today for free consultation and receive the most accurate quote.

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